Should You Be Watching Your Competitors? Absolutely

Should You Be Watching Your Competitors? Absolutely

Some say that comparison is the thief of joy. But in business, that might not be entirely fair. While maintaining your vision of where the firm is going is critical, it’s also important to keep an eye on the competition. In the tax community, people often wonder...
R&D Tax Credit Benchmarking Survey & Study

R&D Tax Credit Benchmarking Survey & Study

R&D Tax Credit Benchmarking Survey & Study Research and Development Tax Credits represent a considerable opportunity for CPAs and their clients alike.  How do we know? Well, we asked!  Throughout the summer of 2021, Tri-Merit engaged in a comprehensive...
Ready to Offer IRS Audit Defense for Clients?

Ready to Offer IRS Audit Defense for Clients?

Ready to Offer IRS Audit Defense for Clients? The word “audit” around tax time is scary for businesses, the self-employed, W-2 filers, and even accounting firms. That said, the consensus is that audits trigger about .4-.5 percent of the time (based on nearly 200...