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MORGAN - Morgan Kirk - Tri-Merit


-Joined Tri-Merit in the spring of 2022

-Supports many of the administrative functions including managing inbound leads, helping keep projects moving through the pipeline to completion, tracking ERC refund status, assisting with invoicing and overseeing engagement letters/IAA’s through DocuSign

-Prior to Tri-Merit I was in the cannabis industry for a couple years (NOT SURE IF THIS IS SOMETHING WE WANT TO INCLUDE LOL – but I was looking at some examples on the website so thought I’d give you as much information to work with as I can haha)

Fun Fact: I became a mom this year (on January 3rd 2022) to a handsome little boy named Bryson Carter. My boyfriend, myself and our son have one cat named Cleo who I adopted when I moved into my first apartment at 18. She has been with me through every move since then (roughly 10 or 11 moves I think haha) and was my first “baby” lol. Our home wouldn’t be home without her. She is the best cat and takes walks with us and plays fetch and greats us at the door when we come home. She knows her name and insists on being on someones lap/being pet at all times. (She thinks she is a dog and does great with the baby! They are the best of friends and always hanging out and cuddling)

I don’t really have an “and” or a picture to go with it so here is a picture of my family (see attached) as well as my headshot for the webpage since I wasn’t in San Diego.

I guess my “and” could be that I played travel softball my whole life and was named MVP three years in a row. I love to sing and my boyfriend, Clay, plays guitar – we are a very musical family. A weird fact no one really knows about me is that in addition to loving choir and drama, I also loved taking Japanese in high school and can still speak a little bit of it today. My older brother who took four years of Japanese in high school and minored in it in college was my inspiration for taking the class myself – I have always looked up to him!

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