National Restaurant Association Logo.svg - National Restaurant Association And Employee Retention Credit - Tri-Merit
National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation Logo - National Restaurant Association And Employee Retention Credit - Tri-Merit
01413 Aquarius 3 Tri Merit Branding Fa 02 - National Restaurant Association And Employee Retention Credit - Tri-Merit

Does your company qualify for the Employee Retention Credit?

Fill out our online qualification form below to find out if your company is eligible to receive the Employee Retention Credit. We’ll send you a follow-up email to schedule a call and review eligibility.

Amount: Claim credits up to $5,000 per employee during 2020 and up to $7,000 per employee per quarter during 2021.

When: Reduce your federal employee taxes whenever you process your next payroll.

How do I claim the credit? Report qualified wages on your federal employment tax returns, usually Form 941.


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